Friday, December 29, 2006

Sivaji Shooting Narration at Ramaiah College

Hi ,
I saw thalaivar today. he is very slim and looking very young.
I went to ramaiah college at 8 today.
waiting to see lord rajini. at 10 a blue innova came. our thalaivar got down and went straight to the caravan. he was wearing round cap. After having his breakfast he came at 10.30.
Around 50 members were gathered there. I shouted thalaiva thaliava for 2 times.
He was waving to the crowd. Suddenly I raised my voice then he suddenly turned his face at me and raised his hand and waved at me.
I felt like god is blessing. i can see the power and feel that.
Without my notice tears were coming out of my eyes.
I am the happiest person in the earth..
He came out with black round neck tshirt and black pant.  wearing chandramukhi cap ( which he wears in the title card while reading the book of chandramukhi in the library)
Then I some how managed to get in. there is tight security.
I went inside at 11. the shooting was in the terrace.
The fight scene between thalaivar and suman was shot.  First they tried with dupe he cannot do well.
So our thalaivar came forward to do the scene by himself.
The scene was thalaivar was air borne with the support of ropes extending his arms like hawk.  from the opposite site fake 500 and 1000 rupees noted were blown.
Thalaivar was airborne and the villian gang cannot even come near him because of the blow.
Thalaivar was wearing the black round neck tshirt and for that scene he was wearing full black leather coat.
He was looking like god when he was air borne.
The shot was finished in 1 shot.  I was whistling.
Soon there was around 500 members in the hospital terrace to see our thalaivar.
After that scene thalaiver was deeply engaged in discussion with suman. After that 3 scenes were taken using the dupe.
Thalaivar started reading a book.  Many vips and politicians came and visited him.
At 12.30 thalaivar again acted , in that thalaivar performed somersault with the help of ropes.
I cannot believe my eyes. every one was shouting and whisting for that scene.
At 1.00 excatly thalaiver came down and went inside the caravan. I was just beside him.
He was very looking and always smiling.
Then every one was having their food. I was just outside the caravan.
One guy was taking the food for our thalaivar.  I spoke to him and given a small book for autograph.
By god's grace i got the autograph from thalaivar.
I was on top of the world.
I even did not imagine that i will see thalaivar and get a autograph from him..
I cannot forget this day.    He was gud looking with the shaved head.
I bet no one in the earth will be more active than our thalaivar at this age.
He is very fast and style comes automatically when he walks and talk.
My aim is to see the thalaivar I have achieved that.  I am the happiest person in the world...........
I will never forget this dec 29th 2006.
Shooting will go on till jan 3rd. But i spoke to the assistant directors they told me that the shooting will be on in ramaiah college only for tomorrow. They have not yet deceided about the other places.
I want to thank arunachalam sir and raja because they have informed and confirmed that the shooting is going on in the college.
Once again I thank arunachalam sir for fulfilling my dream and I have achieved my aim.

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